Friday, December 29, 2006

Bleak Universe News!

BU has an artist, finally. HIs the link to the website.

He did a few sketches on deviant art under


But they are just that, sketches. He got a tablet only recently, so most of his stuff is in paper form.

More crap comin as i know. This site wont be updated for a little while, as i rewrite the comic in proper script form for drawing. Awesome, eh?

People like perty pictures better n' just readin craps. After we get the comic launched, we'll do a proper campaign. So i'm all ears for idears any of you might have for that.

Anyway, hears to hopin it works out. And thanks to my uber powerful 3 readers who kept me goin. I will return to this place in a bit,even as the comic rolls, as it helps me generate ideas.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

OSCAR: Wow. So That guy broke into our house, and gave us magic powers to punish us in the name of the Crimson Arrow?
AARON: Kinda looks that way.
RICK: It was most beneficial.

OSCAR: And how. Man did they show us. "Aha, mortal enemy mine, I shall smite thee by bestowing upon you 'evil magic powers' (oscar wiggles his fingers magically) that'll learn you to meddle in our affairs!

RICK: We should endeavor to interfere with them more often. I prefer dark umbral doom to spinning magnetic doom.
OSCAR: ANd how- wait what?

KELLY: Awww, why does everyone else get the magic powers? I wan tthem too. Pweeeeaassee.
ST: You gained an element too. It will just take longer for you to realize what it is.

OSCAR: I know already.
KELLY: (looking at him suspiciously)Really? Wait. You probablly don't at all.
OSCAR: (acting offended) What? Why do you think that.
KELLY: Cuz you're always mean to me.

OSCAR: No, really. it's this:

(OSCAR stands up, puts his hand over ST's head and intones:

OSCAR: Moronic Element: Bestow the Brain Cancer!


ST: You've already given me that.


Otay. Let's try another interaction thingy. The one last time went pretty cool I think.

I'm going to do another random setting change next time, cuz it's funny. So here are the three things I need.

A setting (where will everyone be? Shopping mall? Cleveland? The andes?) Try real hard not to be so silly as to make it impossible for me to make it plausable.

Another Element. Avoid Cotton. A classic element might be nice this time, but whatevs. As you can see, I can jive with whatever. Yeah tahts right. I said jive.

An item. This time the item will be somehow used in the scene. The element will be an npc character's element that he/she/it uses directly, not inside an item. So you're just giving me an item that will be affected by the power. For example, if someone said "fire" as an element, and someone else said "trees" for an item, the power could be like "Fire Element: HUman Furnace!" and would have someone torching a bunch of trees. Get it? Good. I'll wait til you guys are done. Went quick last time, but might not be so this time. If we only get like 1 over the next couple days, it might be a nick solo show. Lol. But keep it to one per person for the moment.

(any persons suggesting "squid" as an element will likely be shot. By god.)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

OSCAR: So how exactly did this happen anyway? This whole element thing. I don't think i get it.
RICK: An 'element' is a particular allignment used to describe an embodiment of said element. These strange and mysterious beings can bond with humans in certain circumstances usually involving...

OSCAR: No, it's ok Rick. I'm not really interested in what the book has to say. Cuz you know i vould always like, read it myself. DIg?

RICK: Dig? I do not see the means for upheaving soil as an appropriate question to impart of me at this time-space locale-

OSCAR: Nevermind.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

KELLY: I'm sooo confused.
OSCAR: THat must be a new experience for you.
AARON: Hey shut up! Or i'll, pee... metal, on you.
OSCAR: Somehow I think that would be worse for you.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

KELLY: Would someone please tell me what's going on?!
AARON: I agree.

OSCAR: (to ST) May I?
ST: (sighing) Yeah alright.

OSCAR: (to Rich) We'll start with you. NExt time you 'concentrate' you might as well add a little style to it, cuz god knows you need it.
RICK: (narrowing his eyes) I..
OSCAR: 'am retarded'. Don't worry I know. Fix it by saying this in your next concentration session, cuz its what youre doing anyway. Magnet Element: Magnetic Attraction!
RICK: Query- What is t you are discussing?
OSCAR: Answer- Shut up.
OSCAR: (to AARON) And you can say this: Iron Element: Blood of the Metal God!

AARON: WHAT? You're saying I have the power to make my blood more metallic?
OSCAR: (winking) THat's right.
AARON: Uhhh... ok. Two questions. How in the name of Davey Jones did I get to do that? ANd also, How on earth will that help at all, even a little, ever in the future history of the world?!

OSCAR: It won't?
OSCAR: No wait, that's probalbly not comforting. Let's try this.
(OSCAR clears his throat)

OSCAR: It'll be funny?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

RICK: I will drop my concentration.
ST:Um, ok. Why?
RICK: THere is nothing wrong with my mind, is there?
OSCAR: I wouldn't go so far as to-
RICK: Remain silent.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

(AARON gets up weakly)

AARON: Uhhh. What the hell you do that for?
(OSCAR points to ST)
ST: (sighing) That's what happens in game too.
ST: You have no idea.
RICK: I do not understand in what manner of speech I am a "magnet"
OSCAR: I was just messin with ya. GO back to concentrating, please.
RICK: Very well, I shall do that after I open the door and enquire that everything is ok.
OSCAR: Ill say "yeah yeah we're fine, doofus here can't kepe his feet under him. Too drunk on rum or somethin."
RICK: "Very Well." I'll narrow my eyes and sweep the door closed once more.
KELLY:"Wel..... I'm gonna go get a glass of water!".
AARON: "Well, mates, i dinnow which a youse tripped me, and i dont care. Im heading to the kitchen, mates.
OSCAR: (loudly) Rick, ar eyou pacing back and forth, and concentrating?
EICK: Yes, i did indeed imply so much in my last communique-
(OSCAR snaps his head back around to stare at ST expectantly)
ST: (rolling his eyes) Kelly you're heading for the kitchen?
KELLY: Yes, i want water! I mean, my CHARACTER wants wat-
ST: Jake Arrow falls into you,and you both fall over.
OSCAR: Awesome!

Bleak universe hasnt been as sharp lately, cuz ive been doing it more spur of the moment. Though my ideas are just as insane lol. THough i dunno. If my quality had dropped that much I'm sure someone wouldve told me, heh.

Also, be on your best behavior, amazing 3 readers. Heh. I'm looking more actively for an artist so some might be dropping by to take a look at things.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

(RICK spends some time glaring at everyone)
RICK: VERY WELL. I can see you are all quite disagreeable today. Whatever. I shall head to the bathroom to inspect myself in a mundane fashion.
OSCAR (whispering to AARON) I like being disagreeable.
AARON (whispering back) I know.
ST: Ok, you make it to the bathroom.

RICK: (exasperated) Wonderful. May i at least use the less power "Flaws of the Mind"? In it, I simply inspect my mind for any memory loss or alteration, though it does not tell me what may be lost or altered."

ST: That's the one where you concentrate as hard as you can in front of a mirror right? And then your image changes to a map of your mind. And then you pace back and forth in front of it looking for flaws. That's it right?

RICK: Yes. That is correct. But how did you ascertain my course of -
ST: (clapping his hands.) Great! Perfect. OK. THat will take you a few minutes.
RICK: (bowing his head) Of course.

ST: Ok, Rick goes into the bathroom.
RICK: Correct. I will lock the door and begin my concentration.
ST: (rubbing his hands together) Awesome. Ok everyone, actions?
OSCAR: (whisper to AARON)He's uyp to something, just look at him rub his hands. Like an evil villian. Just watch.
KELLY: Wahh! What just happened? Why did that guy run to the bathroom as soon as he woke up?
OSCAR: He really had to go?
AARON: OK, whatever. I'm going to head to the kitchen.
(ST closes his eyes and counts off ticks on his fingers)
ST: Ok. You get up and start heading in that direction, and then you can't. You keep bouncing back like you're being pulled by something
AARON: What? Why? And, i don't think i really get what you mean.

(OSCAR gives the ST a funny look. Then he grabs the book from RICK.)
ST: Ok. I guess we need a demonstration. Kelly, Aaron, stand up.

AARON/ KELLY: (they do so) Ok...
ST: Now, Kelly grab onto the bed-leg, and then to AARON'S jacket.

(She does)
ST: Ok Aaron, try to walk/jog away. But not too hard.
(He does, and he makes it about one step before he bounces back a little from Kelly's grip.)
(AARON frowns and increases his pace. The bed starts scraping across the floor)
ST: Yeah it's just like that, like you keep getting bounced back by some invisible force.
RICK: Does my cahracter hear this racket before he is fully submerged?
ST: Yeah, sure. Of course ( a little too eagerly)
OSCAR: (looking up from his book, and then to ST, AARON, and then RICK.) Metal huh?
ST: You going to break concentration?
RICK: Yes.

(AARON is still trying to get away from Kelly, picking up forcewhile running in place. OSCAR sits on the bed, and the bed itself halts its movement)
OSCAR: (from directly behind Kelly) KELLY!
KELLY: EEP! (Kelly lets go, AARON goes racing across the room and crashes into a table with a jar of pennies on it, which rain down onto him.
(OSCAR points at RICK)
OSCAR: Magnet.
OSCAR: (pointing at AARON)Metal.
OSCAR: Now THAT's a demonstration.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

(everyone files in)
ST: Hey everyone, welcome back. How was your week?
(AARON turns toward KELLY)
AARON: Hey Kelly, did you get a-
KELLY: I got a haircut!
ST: (chuckling) I cn asee that. Looks good.
AARON: (cracking knuckles)Alright then gents. Do we wake up?
ST: Yep.
RICH: We are still in the domicile in which we began our suspended animation?
ST: Errr... th ehouse where you went to sleep. Yeah. You're still there.
AARON: I'll hold my head in moan. "Wow, that was a part for the ages last night,wasn't it mates?"

(RICK is staring at the ST intently)
ST: Ok folks, actions?
AARON: Well alrighty. It's too bad Mick and Roger are at a concert. They'd probablly enjoy watching this. Welp, I'm gonna head to the kitchen, where 'm likely to find met-"
(RICK hefts a book and begins reading from it, cutting off AARON)
RICK: I will do a thorough inspection of my person. Do i feel any of the following symptoms? 'Shortness of breath, a tingling sensation in the extremeties,a rash of unnatural color in the groin or gluttal regions, memroy loss..'
OSCAR: What are you checking for, brain cancer?
RICK: 'Sensitivity to light, sensitivity to magentism, sensitivity to pain, sensitivity to loud noises,allergic reaction to gold, water, oxygen...'
AARON: Did he just say OXYGEN? Allergic reaction to air? Wouldn't we, like notic that?
RICK: '...minor loss of memory, feelings of anger or synergy...'
OSCAR: Synergy? isn't that like a fruit drink?
KELLY: That doesn't sound like any disease I've ever heard of.
OSCAR: It's a mental ailment.
RICK: '...dark thoughts, partial loss of day vision, increased night vision...'
ST: Ahah. I believe I see a pattern now. You are sneakier than you let on, Rick. But it's hard to check for alot of those things, isnt it? No gold or water readily at hand. Also, Kelly might object if you rip off your pants and inspect your 'groin and/or gluttal areas' in plain sight.
KELLY: I don't know what 'gluttal' means, but yes, please keep your pants on.
RICK: (flipping pages in the book, then reading more) Very well. I shall use my "Inner Dragon" training, specifically the technique called "Detect Storyteller treachery".
ST: Huh? Let me see that (takes book from RICK)Uh, it says "The Inner Dragon techniques allow for complete awarness of mind and body. Each technique may be iniated after a meditative period of no less than 3 hours...'
RICK: (taking book back) That may be so, but I also have the merit "Kaze Mind" where 'all common, non-stressful actions may be done at the fraction of the time with the expenditure of 3 focus points. This action might be building a ladder, or baking a cake, or anything of the everyday sort.'
ST: I don't think focusing your mystical chi energy to examine every square inch of your body and soul counts. It has kindof a different quality than 'baking a cake'.
RICK: FINE! I will go to the Toiletry Room and there examine myself!
OSCAR: What?

VOICE: (coming from outside, likely a neighbor) IT's 11 AT NIGHT, NO ONE GIVES A SH#T ABOUT YOUR GROIN!


OSCAR:... yeah, that's what i thought you said.


Haha. My posts are getting kinda long again, but i can't help it, I've got lots of ideas. Man I should go looking more actively for an artist. A lot of my ideas work way better visually.\, since that's kindof the way I envisioned this particualr project. PLus I have some wacky ideas for format.

Maybe i'll go haunt some webcomic forums. heh.

::ghost noises::

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VI

AARON: "I'm sorry. You're a goin to have ta repeat that, mate."
KELLY: But the sun doesn't shine right now at all! It's night time.
OSCAR: That's not because it's night time. It's because you're here.
AARON:(sighing) He's just messing with you.
OSCAR: (shrieking in mimic of Kelly) Whaaat?!? I swear I would never do that. (holding hand over chest) Or may i be poked where the sun don't shine.
ST: "That can be arranged. Now if you don't mind, this is probablly going to be embarressing for at least one of us, so i'd like to get it over with." He snaps on some latex gloves.
KELLY: (shrill) "What? What are those for?"
ST: "Oh relax. And really, i mean that- relax. For both of our sakes."
Kelly: "You aren't human!"
ST: "No love, It's not I who should question who's human." He turns and looks at Aaron. "Oh and consequently, you in particular should avoid metal objects upon waking."
AARON: "Uh, what? Now why would I worry about somethin like that, mate?"
ST: That's it, you all pass out from the powder.


Heh and that's it for part VI. Man i've kinda come along way. I've done enough set up to do some silly things now though, and i even had time to tell a joke or three on the way. Heh.

I have no idea whether any of this is useable, but eh. My real hope is that all the practice well help me get the kind of momentum that i need. Everything makes more sense when I'm in that groove.

I have so many stories started and half finished, I need to really buckle down and focus on just a few.

I have this insane novella idea tahts been gathering elements for years and years now called "Mnomonia" or alternatively "The Hunari" basically, i haven't found a name i really like yet. It's based on Carl Jung's idea of collective unconciousness. That's one im going to do completely my way. Then i havean idea for a story i think i'm gonna call "Footloose" which is like a fantasy/comedy about a really annoying immortal. Hopefully i can find a mag for that if i can finish it. Then there's my novel City of Light, which i havent made a ton of headway on yet, and my literary fiction story "White Star" which i'm not sure wha tim going to do with.

And that's me narrowing things down, haha. I have too many ideas all the time, I can't seem to focus on one thing. I'll keep trying.

So yeah, that why i keep writing though people have gotten bored of my stuff. I'm trying to find that momentum to use for a project. Finish something for a change.

Bleak Universe
Part VI

MICK: Yo! Dude! Wow, you need to take it easy. I slipped. Do somethin uncool like that again, and another chair might just 'slip' and find its way upside your head.

(Kyle makes his way over to the corner and sits down)
KYLE: Continue. you were throwing chairs at someone and acting like an ass?

(Mick stands up)
MICK: You wanna do this, gimpy?
(Roger grabs Mick has he stands up_

ROGER: Dude, relax.
MIck: You relax. If this kid wants some, then fine with me.
ROGER: Think of it this way. If that had been you out there, been hit with a chair so your leg's all busted, then came in here and get sh*t?
(Roger thinks about it for 5 seconds)
MICK: Alright man. I guess you're right. I'd be pissed too. Fair nuff, Fair nuff.
ST: (frowning, and looking around for a few moments to make sure everyone is alright to cotinue)
KYLE: Nothing's broken.
MICK: I'm cool now. It's all good.
ST: Good. now then- The man frowns at Mick's inability to throw a chair at him properly. Then he says "Well, if your quite finished, i'll be shoving things into you where the sun don't shine. Feel free to get up and try to stop me."
AARON: This game just got R rated.