Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

OSCAR: Wow. So That guy broke into our house, and gave us magic powers to punish us in the name of the Crimson Arrow?
AARON: Kinda looks that way.
RICK: It was most beneficial.

OSCAR: And how. Man did they show us. "Aha, mortal enemy mine, I shall smite thee by bestowing upon you 'evil magic powers' (oscar wiggles his fingers magically) that'll learn you to meddle in our affairs!

RICK: We should endeavor to interfere with them more often. I prefer dark umbral doom to spinning magnetic doom.
OSCAR: ANd how- wait what?

KELLY: Awww, why does everyone else get the magic powers? I wan tthem too. Pweeeeaassee.
ST: You gained an element too. It will just take longer for you to realize what it is.

OSCAR: I know already.
KELLY: (looking at him suspiciously)Really? Wait. You probablly don't at all.
OSCAR: (acting offended) What? Why do you think that.
KELLY: Cuz you're always mean to me.

OSCAR: No, really. it's this:

(OSCAR stands up, puts his hand over ST's head and intones:

OSCAR: Moronic Element: Bestow the Brain Cancer!


ST: You've already given me that.


Otay. Let's try another interaction thingy. The one last time went pretty cool I think.

I'm going to do another random setting change next time, cuz it's funny. So here are the three things I need.

A setting (where will everyone be? Shopping mall? Cleveland? The andes?) Try real hard not to be so silly as to make it impossible for me to make it plausable.

Another Element. Avoid Cotton. A classic element might be nice this time, but whatevs. As you can see, I can jive with whatever. Yeah tahts right. I said jive.

An item. This time the item will be somehow used in the scene. The element will be an npc character's element that he/she/it uses directly, not inside an item. So you're just giving me an item that will be affected by the power. For example, if someone said "fire" as an element, and someone else said "trees" for an item, the power could be like "Fire Element: HUman Furnace!" and would have someone torching a bunch of trees. Get it? Good. I'll wait til you guys are done. Went quick last time, but might not be so this time. If we only get like 1 over the next couple days, it might be a nick solo show. Lol. But keep it to one per person for the moment.

(any persons suggesting "squid" as an element will likely be shot. By god.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Setting: in a zoo enclosure with some angry panda bears.

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo this is ____________ and I'm calling the setting. I Cho-Cho-Choose: Gay Disco Bar in Philadelphia.

8:46 PM  

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