Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VI

AARON: "I'm sorry. You're a goin to have ta repeat that, mate."
KELLY: But the sun doesn't shine right now at all! It's night time.
OSCAR: That's not because it's night time. It's because you're here.
AARON:(sighing) He's just messing with you.
OSCAR: (shrieking in mimic of Kelly) Whaaat?!? I swear I would never do that. (holding hand over chest) Or may i be poked where the sun don't shine.
ST: "That can be arranged. Now if you don't mind, this is probablly going to be embarressing for at least one of us, so i'd like to get it over with." He snaps on some latex gloves.
KELLY: (shrill) "What? What are those for?"
ST: "Oh relax. And really, i mean that- relax. For both of our sakes."
Kelly: "You aren't human!"
ST: "No love, It's not I who should question who's human." He turns and looks at Aaron. "Oh and consequently, you in particular should avoid metal objects upon waking."
AARON: "Uh, what? Now why would I worry about somethin like that, mate?"
ST: That's it, you all pass out from the powder.


Heh and that's it for part VI. Man i've kinda come along way. I've done enough set up to do some silly things now though, and i even had time to tell a joke or three on the way. Heh.

I have no idea whether any of this is useable, but eh. My real hope is that all the practice well help me get the kind of momentum that i need. Everything makes more sense when I'm in that groove.

I have so many stories started and half finished, I need to really buckle down and focus on just a few.

I have this insane novella idea tahts been gathering elements for years and years now called "Mnomonia" or alternatively "The Hunari" basically, i haven't found a name i really like yet. It's based on Carl Jung's idea of collective unconciousness. That's one im going to do completely my way. Then i havean idea for a story i think i'm gonna call "Footloose" which is like a fantasy/comedy about a really annoying immortal. Hopefully i can find a mag for that if i can finish it. Then there's my novel City of Light, which i havent made a ton of headway on yet, and my literary fiction story "White Star" which i'm not sure wha tim going to do with.

And that's me narrowing things down, haha. I have too many ideas all the time, I can't seem to focus on one thing. I'll keep trying.

So yeah, that why i keep writing though people have gotten bored of my stuff. I'm trying to find that momentum to use for a project. Finish something for a change.


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