Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VI

ST: That's good. Put the chair down now, great.
OSCAR: But, but... 'KELLY MAD'!
AARON: You're NOT helping.
OSCAR: My apologies, Mrs. Kelly.
AARON; (pondering) But that doesn't even make any sense...
ROGER: (holding up fingers in a square to frame Kelly) There is a small SheHulk resemblance.
KELLY: FINE! All of yoU! I hate you all! (drops chair, runs out of room)

door slams.
OSCAR: (pondering) I take it back, she reminds me of someone else. (Looking at RIck)
Rick: What?
OSCAR: ANYWAY... (rubbing hands together) So, what shall we do with the headless ghost-girl currently splashing fluids and brain matter into our house?

AARON: (glarign knives at Oscar) Maybe we should have you go visit her in the after life. (he gets up and leaves after Kelly)

Everyone is staring at ROGER and OSCAR
ROGER: Hey, it's not my fault. H brought it up (pointing at OSCAR)
OSCAR: WHat? (sighing) Ok fine, so i'm a bit over the top, but come ON. She needs to relax.


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