Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part VII

(RICK spends some time glaring at everyone)
RICK: VERY WELL. I can see you are all quite disagreeable today. Whatever. I shall head to the bathroom to inspect myself in a mundane fashion.
OSCAR (whispering to AARON) I like being disagreeable.
AARON (whispering back) I know.
ST: Ok, you make it to the bathroom.

RICK: (exasperated) Wonderful. May i at least use the less power "Flaws of the Mind"? In it, I simply inspect my mind for any memory loss or alteration, though it does not tell me what may be lost or altered."

ST: That's the one where you concentrate as hard as you can in front of a mirror right? And then your image changes to a map of your mind. And then you pace back and forth in front of it looking for flaws. That's it right?

RICK: Yes. That is correct. But how did you ascertain my course of -
ST: (clapping his hands.) Great! Perfect. OK. THat will take you a few minutes.
RICK: (bowing his head) Of course.

ST: Ok, Rick goes into the bathroom.
RICK: Correct. I will lock the door and begin my concentration.
ST: (rubbing his hands together) Awesome. Ok everyone, actions?
OSCAR: (whisper to AARON)He's uyp to something, just look at him rub his hands. Like an evil villian. Just watch.
KELLY: Wahh! What just happened? Why did that guy run to the bathroom as soon as he woke up?
OSCAR: He really had to go?
AARON: OK, whatever. I'm going to head to the kitchen.
(ST closes his eyes and counts off ticks on his fingers)
ST: Ok. You get up and start heading in that direction, and then you can't. You keep bouncing back like you're being pulled by something
AARON: What? Why? And, i don't think i really get what you mean.

(OSCAR gives the ST a funny look. Then he grabs the book from RICK.)
ST: Ok. I guess we need a demonstration. Kelly, Aaron, stand up.

AARON/ KELLY: (they do so) Ok...
ST: Now, Kelly grab onto the bed-leg, and then to AARON'S jacket.

(She does)
ST: Ok Aaron, try to walk/jog away. But not too hard.
(He does, and he makes it about one step before he bounces back a little from Kelly's grip.)
(AARON frowns and increases his pace. The bed starts scraping across the floor)
ST: Yeah it's just like that, like you keep getting bounced back by some invisible force.
RICK: Does my cahracter hear this racket before he is fully submerged?
ST: Yeah, sure. Of course ( a little too eagerly)
OSCAR: (looking up from his book, and then to ST, AARON, and then RICK.) Metal huh?
ST: You going to break concentration?
RICK: Yes.

(AARON is still trying to get away from Kelly, picking up forcewhile running in place. OSCAR sits on the bed, and the bed itself halts its movement)
OSCAR: (from directly behind Kelly) KELLY!
KELLY: EEP! (Kelly lets go, AARON goes racing across the room and crashes into a table with a jar of pennies on it, which rain down onto him.
(OSCAR points at RICK)
OSCAR: Magnet.
OSCAR: (pointing at AARON)Metal.
OSCAR: Now THAT's a demonstration.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo this is _______________ and I'm all caught up now. Sorry, I've been busy lately. Mitch you seem to be doing pretty good here. I hope you get the motivation and focus to concentrate on a couple things and finish them.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you need to do, Mitch, is put a leaf on your forehead and move it with you chakra. If you can't, then I guess you just suck.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh by the way Mitch, I friended you on Myspace. There is no escape. You should use it to advertise your various literary endeavors, and thus obfuscate your true objective of world conquest.

2:00 PM  

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