Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Fourth Wall on the verge of launch!

The artist, jon, just has to create a site for it. Man it's good having artists who double as web designers. I better do my job pimping the ocmic otherwise it will seem like he does all the work. Haha.

The comic is based on stories I have way earlier on in my blog. I forget what I named them now. They're the ones with Jason and the narrator. Those stories are like his "origin" tale. Fourth Wall is a little further down the road, like say a couple months. I hope to maybe go back to those at some point. Also, I might reference some of it. Such as the coat hanger that makes you invisible when you run into the wall. Hahaha. I think there's a lot of potential for hilarity there, especially when new characters coming in have no idea what it is and Jason is non-chalant about it. "Oh that's just the sword of jungamunga. Just grab it and run into that wall. It totally rocks".

Anyhoo, here's the first one. i'll replace it with a link to the site when we gots one.

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