Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You know what time it is boys and girls? THat's right! It's rank on random webcomics time!

I have so many evil comments running through my brain all the time, it's important to let some of them out. Like...uh, like an- EVIL EMERGENCY RELEASE PRESSURE VALVE(tm)! (cue lightning and manical laughter, followed by anti-climactic gentle hissing)

Anyways, so I was flipping through random webcomics and there was this vote incentive for one of them and the FIRST thing that entered my brain was this: "If you added an arm cannon to one arm, She'd look just like megaman's transsexual sister". (If you really wanna see it, it's here. you'll have to vote for it. it's the crayon-ish drawing on the right, the old one:http://www.buzzcomix.net/in.php)

But the point is, that is probably the first time those words have ever been spoken in that ordering. Now that would be an awesome way to confuse people. Go ahead try it this week.

Like this:

Pizza Guy: "Here's your order. That'll be $18.95.
YOU: "Thanks megaman's transexual sister!" (take pizza, give money, close door. Make sure you look through the eye hole to see his expression.)

I wonder who I have to fear more from about posting this article, Megaman fans, the webcomic in question, or well, the other group. My guess is hardcore megaman fans are lacking in hardcore firepower, as well as basic motor skills.

He'd show up at my house, in his late thirties, a cardboard funnel painted blue and tied to his forearm and say-
Megaman fan: "How dare you desecrate the name of Megaman-sama! SHINE!' Then he'd run around outside gesticulating wildly with his cardboard plasma gun, yelling "BEW-BEW! BEWBEWBEWBEWBEW!"

On second thought I take that back. I wouldn't wanna cross megaman fanatics.

*** Incredible Un-PC post concluded***