Bleak Universe
Part VII
(everyone files in)
ST: Hey everyone, welcome back. How was your week?
(AARON turns toward KELLY)
AARON: Hey Kelly, did you get a-
KELLY: I got a haircut!
ST: (chuckling) I cn asee that. Looks good.
AARON: (cracking knuckles)Alright then gents. Do we wake up?
ST: Yep.
RICH: We are still in the domicile in which we began our suspended animation?
ST: Errr... th ehouse where you went to sleep. Yeah. You're still there.
AARON: I'll hold my head in moan. "Wow, that was a part for the ages last night,wasn't it mates?"
(RICK is staring at the ST intently)
ST: Ok folks, actions?
AARON: Well alrighty. It's too bad Mick and Roger are at a concert. They'd probablly enjoy watching this. Welp, I'm gonna head to the kitchen, where 'm likely to find met-"
(RICK hefts a book and begins reading from it, cutting off AARON)
RICK: I will do a thorough inspection of my person. Do i feel any of the following symptoms? 'Shortness of breath, a tingling sensation in the extremeties,a rash of unnatural color in the groin or gluttal regions, memroy loss..'
OSCAR: What are you checking for, brain cancer?
RICK: 'Sensitivity to light, sensitivity to magentism, sensitivity to pain, sensitivity to loud noises,allergic reaction to gold, water, oxygen...'
AARON: Did he just say OXYGEN? Allergic reaction to air? Wouldn't we, like notic that?
RICK: '...minor loss of memory, feelings of anger or synergy...'
OSCAR: Synergy? isn't that like a fruit drink?
KELLY: That doesn't sound like any disease I've ever heard of.
OSCAR: It's a mental ailment.
RICK: '...dark thoughts, partial loss of day vision, increased night vision...'
ST: Ahah. I believe I see a pattern now. You are sneakier than you let on, Rick. But it's hard to check for alot of those things, isnt it? No gold or water readily at hand. Also, Kelly might object if you rip off your pants and inspect your 'groin and/or gluttal areas' in plain sight.
KELLY: I don't know what 'gluttal' means, but yes, please keep your pants on.
RICK: (flipping pages in the book, then reading more) Very well. I shall use my "Inner Dragon" training, specifically the technique called "Detect Storyteller treachery".
ST: Huh? Let me see that (takes book from RICK)Uh, it says "The Inner Dragon techniques allow for complete awarness of mind and body. Each technique may be iniated after a meditative period of no less than 3 hours...'
RICK: (taking book back) That may be so, but I also have the merit "Kaze Mind" where 'all common, non-stressful actions may be done at the fraction of the time with the expenditure of 3 focus points. This action might be building a ladder, or baking a cake, or anything of the everyday sort.'
ST: I don't think focusing your mystical chi energy to examine every square inch of your body and soul counts. It has kindof a different quality than 'baking a cake'.
RICK: FINE! I will go to the Toiletry Room and there examine myself!
OSCAR: What?
VOICE: (coming from outside, likely a neighbor)
OSCAR:... yeah, that's what i thought you said.
Haha. My posts are getting kinda long again, but i can't help it, I've got lots of ideas. Man I should go looking more actively for an artist. A lot of my ideas work way better visually.\, since that's kindof the way I envisioned this particualr project. PLus I have some wacky ideas for format.
Maybe i'll go haunt some webcomic forums. heh.
::ghost noises::