Bleak Universe
Part VI
ST: "Are you going to open this door or not, sir? I just want to ask you a few questions, make sure you're ok."
OSCAR: More like have his gun ask us a few questions.
ROGER: "Guys, you gotta give me something. I can't just sit here forever. That cop is going to get all kungfu on us in a minute."
OSCAR: "Well if he doesn't notice headless trick or treaters, he's got to be blind enough so taht we can just run up and tip him over."
RICK: "I postulate that he is using subterfuge to obfuscate his true motivations for asking admittance."
OSCAR: "You're right! It's so simple!"
(RICk looks confused.)
OSCAR: "He's asking 'admittance' not so he can bust our zealous baseball player for sending a little girl to the after life, no no, not at all it's because....
OSCAR: "He's a vampire! He HAS to ask us to come in!"
KELLY: Really? he is? Is there a vampire on the other side of the door? A vampire policeman?
ROGER: (whispering)How did you ever get her to come back?
AARON:(whispering back, I told I would hold down OSCAR while she kicked him later)
ROGER: Nice.
EVERYONE stops and looks at ROGER.
ST: What's nice?
OSCAR looks over from where he was making fake fangs in front of his mouth with two fingers to the tune of a squealing kelly)
ROGER: Er, nothing. I'm just going to open the stupid door.
ST: Really? Ok. SO, what happens now, is that... (looking gleefull)
ROGER: Er, that is, i mean, i open the door in the figrative sense, by opening... doors of... communication!
ST: Nice try. The cop pushes open the door and holds up a glowing orb, a red arrow sigil suddenly manifests in the center of it, and then it flashes bright white, and everyone falls over, blinded.
KELLY: "What? What's wrong? Why did he do that? What was that?"
OSCAR: "Oh you know, just his standard police-issued magic arrow orb."