Bleak Universe, Chapter 1
STORYTELLER: Ok is everyone here?
KELLY: Roger has to work late, he'll be here later.
ST:(sighs) Fine, ok. Oh Well, he can start when he gets here.
Ok, you all stand in a street at night, with one fading lamp post in one corner.
OSCAR- Who's talking? I mean, who are you supposed to be?
ST: I'm the storyteller.
OSCAR: Yeah I know, but who are you in the story? YOu always tell us to be "in character" right? So what character are you?
ST:Well yes but- What? What do you mean? I'm the story teller, I don't have an actual role unless I'm doing an NPC. I just let you know what everything looks like and what's happening. Otherwise how would you know?
ST: OK? ok. So, anyway-
OSCAR:You can be the lamp post.
KELLY: Wait, so he's the lamp post? Really? You never told us we could be inanimate objects! Give me a pencil, I'm changing my sheet. I want to be a stuffed animal.
ST: (rolling eyes) Let's just try it the way we wrote it this time, eh? I mean, it was a four hours well spent.
RICK- Can we go already? I am prepared.
ST: Yeah, we can't wait anymore. Ok. Everyone want to describe their characters?
AARON: Ok. My guy has like... um what are those hats called? Like you wear them tip forward, and they have three sides?
ST: A brown leather tricorn hat?
KELLY: That was kind of specific.
AARON:And he has a white silk shirt, like what they used to wear like a long time ago, you know in the Car- um, in warm... areas. And he wears
ST: (bored) A black revolver, a rapier with a black strap, a red hand band with a hanging gold medallion, and dread locks.
AARON: Uh.. Yeah... yeah... kinda.
KELLY: WOW! How did he know? That's really amazing.
ST: Oh, not that amazing.
AARON: But he doesn't have a revolver. This is supposed to be modern times, right?
ST: That's right. So what's his name?
AARON: Oh It's Jac...ob Sp... Arrow. It's Jake Arrow.
ST: That was beautiful. THank you.
KELLY: What was?
OSCAR: (whisper) Say "not you".
ST: Um- Not
OSCAR: (whisper) you. not you!
ST: Not... nothing.
OSCAR: So if it was not nothing, then it was...
ST: Whatever. How about you?
OSCAR: He's a teenager, wearing chains, a leather jacket, and a t-shirt with the anarchist symbol on the front. He's 8 feet tall, 300 pounds, and is carrying a club in one hand.
ST: And he's a teenager?
AARON: Oh! And he also has a coin purse, and a belt, a slick black goatee, and sharp eyes that look like they were touched up with masquera, and
ST: OK, ok that's good Aaron, perfect. I think-
OSCAR: And i have a little trick flower on the end of my coat.
ST: Oh.Well, I-
RICK:As for me, I am shrouded in a deep cloak. THat is all you need know.
OSCAR:... Ok, i'll squirt him with my flower.
ST: Um... ok, why?
OSCAR: I just am.
RICK: Really? Did he really just do that?
ST: Yeah, I guess. You have water on your face now.
RICK: Ok, wow. DOes my inner incarnated spirit of pure hatred manifested as a incandescent black shroud of evil activate yet? YOu want the stats for that? Let's see, 35 plus the equipment modifier...
ST: Um, you all start off as human. YOu don't have that yet.
And that was the first episode of an idea for a role playing parody I have called "Mismatched", i think it will have to be in script form. We were hoping to get an artist, actually. Paul and I have a ton of ideas for it. But, lacking that, I'll just post some stuff up here in script format. I dunno what the legal considerations would be. If it ever matters which it probablly won't,I think what I might do is the classic parody tactic of hiding behind the fair use act via name changes where its close but not exactly using it. :shrug: At the last it should be fun, and maybe give me ideas of how else I can use it. It's kindof all the rage to do 4th wall role playing game comics, and i feel the urge to try. I feel like there's still yet room for variation in certain fields :)
This is going to be me experimenting mostly. So try not to jump down my throat with spelling errors and such. General impressions would be cool. If I like it enough maybe i'll try doing somethng with it. Though I got no idea what. The best would be if i found an artist.