Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Mysterious and Dark Origins of "Malovis" Revealed!

Ages and ages ago (like say 5 years) there was no Malovis. He was only an idea hidden within a notion buried deep inside... um..basically I hadn't made him up yet. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about- Malovis is a random name I use on thngs like Gengine, and sometimes in Mmrpgs. ANYWAY-

A guy named Mitch was innocently typing laaaaate at night. There he was, typing away, when who should he come across, but STUPID PERSON. There conversation when something like this:

STUPID PERSON: "Hello Uncle Carl, how is the grain farm in Alaska?"
Mitch: "Oh my apologies gentle sir, but i am not the person to whom you think you speak.
SP: wat
Mitch: I'm not carl, or uncle sue, or Jimmy Carter. Sorry. Good Luck finding whoever you're looking for.
SP: Shut up Carl. I hate when you play games like this.

At this point, Mitch was quite tired of people getting his screen name wrong, and then refusing to believe he is who he says he is. Therefore, he signed off and made a new screen name, with which to torment the lingering evil of those who are stupid (tm).

Malovis: "BEHOLD, I am MALOVIS THE MIGHTY WIZARD. I have EATEN your Uncle Carl, and sent his soul screaming past the banks of the River Styx, to hide within the depths of Far Stgyia! Therefore, bother not my faithful apostate, gentle Mitchman"
SP: "wat. stfu carl."

So from that point forward, Malovis rained a bitter torrent of judgement on the painfully stupid.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

If you're driving along at night on an empty road, no one in front or behind you for miles, and suddenly you crash into something, your windshield shattering into shards of flying glass and your head hitting the airbag...

You may have just rearended an invisible car.