Friday, October 13, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part V

OSCAR: Hmmm.. I think that bar thug guy is talking to you, Rick.
OSCAR:Come on, ask me how i know.
RICK: How do they say.. "Har Har"
AARON: Hey, where's everyone else this week anyway?
OSCAR: (ticking off fingers) Kelly is probablly whoring it up with her boyfriend-of-this-second,Roger is working os he can afford his pointlessly expensive gadgets,and Kyle is some kid who i don't know, and dont know why he came in the first place.
ST: My my, you're in rare form tonight.
OSCAR: I try.
AARON: (grants Oscar an unfriendly glare)Um, ok. Well I guess I'll look around for exits.
ST: You see three. One to the bathrooms, double doors behind the bar, and the exit at the far end of the room. Past the drunk people.
AARON: Ok, I'll start making my way past them.
ST: The tall bald guy steps in your way. "Where do yew think YER goin? FIEF! No one here saw yew come in, so howd you do it? You broked in, DIDN'T YOU, MEssin with OUR bar, makin our beer go up in... in..."
OSCAR: Price?
ST:"Yeth, exactly! So all of yew, just SIT RIGHT THERE, til you tell us where you come from, an how you git in heah?"
AARON: "Well, that is uh..." (to ST) Can you roll my CHARM? I have 10.
RICK: (standing up with rule book in hand) I've got it! They're LYCANTHROPES!
AARON: What? HOw do you know they're.. a candy...scopes? ANd also, what are those?
ST: Lycanthropes, shapeshifters, Werewolves.
AARON: If those guys are really hairy, 8 feet tall, with huge wolf maws and glowing yellow eyes, and you didn't tell us, I'm going to be upset.
ST: They're not.
AARON: Right. (turning to rich) So how do you know?
RICK: I can just feel it.
OSCAR: You can just FEEL it? What are you, Jedi Master Retard?
RICK: Just trust me.
AARON: No way. Last time you said that, we were in that dirt cave dungeon thingy trying to find where the guy with the sword in his belly had left from. And that let us right here, staring down drunk barflies inexplicably carrying bats.
OSCAR: That makes no sense by the way, why would they be carrying bats?
ST: (lifting up a bat from behind his desk) Everone carries a bat. I've got mine. Where's yours?
OSCAR: Hey, that's not fair, this is your room.
RICK: Very well. You require proof, and you shall have it! (turns back to ST) I will inspect them! The innebriated persons.
ST: Inspect them?
RICK: Correct. I need to find (looking back in his book) "suspicious marks that could be hidden under clothing, in areas around the lower back"
ST: (widening his eyes in shock) Really? Ummm ok.... (rolls a die)
RICK: Excellent. Did I find "the mark of the devil indicated through a connecting brow, or sprouts of hair prevalent throughout the lower abdomen"?
ST: Close. He hits you with a baseball bat. (rolls die) Take 3 moderate damage to the head.
RICK: What? NO means to defend my self? And why this unprovoked attack?
ST: You were inspecting him.
RICK: Yes.
ST: Up close. In the "lower abdomen".
RICK: Yes but, oh i see. He misunderstood my intentions.
OSCAR: Haha I'll say.
ST: "Take that, gaaay boooy!" (rolls die) Take 3 more moderate. He smacks you in the head and over a bar table.
AARON: Uhmm. (looks at Oscar) Should we help him?
OSCAR: Pfff. Although... this does give me a chance to try the item i found...

Audience interaction!!!
What is OSCAR's new item? (He found it in Shmoidreck's house. I kinda skipped over that part. Hopefully I'll go over what they found abit more next time. But anyway. What is the magic item?

You tell me! Hehe
One person post with ELEMENT (wind, water,earth, fire. Metal or wood is ok if you're feeling weird)
One person post with OBJECT (try not to go insane with it. Toaster, feather, knife, etc)
One person post a number (1-10) and a LETTER (A-J)

Might be a good idea for the person posting the object to take into acount what the element is. A feather with a Metal element might be kinda weird. But hey, why not? A metal feather might have silly powers.

Only one person per thingy. I'll update again whenever we get three posters. yeah i know this could be a long while. but that's fine. I should pay more attention to my other projects anyways.Get people to post or something! Hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm, cotton is my element

3:50 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

AHahah. Im tempted just to switch that to an item. BUt whatever. Weird is ok i guess.

Ok, Element: Cotton.

Haha i'm afraid of where this is going.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cotton Crab. You knew it was coming. Deal with it.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alternate Choice: Cotton Clog, as in the shoe.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo this is __________. and i choose
5 and E. I like this choose your own adventure interaction.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is good, yeah. Reminds me of those "choose your own action" Goosebumps books back in the day, that I would just read through anyhow.

11:31 AM  

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