Monday, October 09, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part IV

OSCAR: Sweet, so we get to see it this time. So what does he do?
ST: How would you know anyway?
OSCAR: Whatever. They'll tell me about it later anyway.

(ST frowns)
ST: Ok-His stomach begins rippling, and he pushes his hand into his stomach.
KELLY: EWWWWWW!!!! (she makes a face and shakes her hands as if trying to shake something gross off them)
ST: He begins pulling his hand out of his stomach, and when is hand is free, it keeps going and you see that he's pulling a sword out of his stomach. It's dripping acid. The stone Lion leaps at him, and he jumps to one side,a t the same time hitting it with his sword. Acid sprays out from the sword and onto the Lion. it slams into the ground in front of you, putting a huge dent in the floor, and sending a mixture of dirt and rocks flying everywhere.

AARON: I'll jump and shield Cutesy from the rocks.
ST (rolls dice) Ok, Take 3 minor damage points.
AARON: "OW. Shit."
KELLY: "Are you ok?"
AARON: "Yeah, just bruises."
KELLY: (to ST) He took the damage instead of me?
ST: Looks like it.
KELLY (to AARON) YOu're so brave!
AARON: (fake macho) I know, my ribs kicked that rock's ass. (he squints with one eye, to show that he's hurt) "Ok, let's see what happened." (to ST)I'll look around, where is that lion thing, and er, him? (pointing to kyle)
ST: It's still smokey from the dirt.
AARON: Ok. I'll start walking forward, searching for the non-lion guy. "Stay close behind me" (to KELLY)
KELLY: "Otay"
ST: (rolls a die) Ok Aaron, your hands hit something.
AARON: Ok cool. I'll say, "Hey man, thanks for that-"
ST: It starts growling.
AARON: (to kyle) Why are you growling?
KYLE: I'm not.
AARON (light bulb moment) Oh. Oh shit.


Welp, guess i'll get back to mosying back through the plot. Thanks for reading, Mitch-Faithful. Even if I can pretend that other people are reading, it makes it much easier for me to do my own projects for reasons you probablly wouldn't understand, cuz i'm all crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, I'm still reading Mitch. It's good that you're getting way far ahead in it, that way you can pick and choose from your mass of material later on for the eventual webcomic.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Haha, the phantom commenter struck again in the post before this one, and you didn't even challange him to a fight to the death or nothin. (shakes head sadly) Haha

Yeah, I hope i can actually convince someone my stuff is worth illustrating. Heh.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's simple Mitch, you can threaten your would-be artist with evisceration in fiction.

And Nov is ok with me, my problem is with truly anonymous Anonymous people.

12:24 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Haha. Hey I have no clue whether that's him or not. I'm just guessing

12:46 PM  

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