Friday, September 22, 2006

Bleak Universe

Part 3 (some more)

OSCAR: Oh, nothing-no one. Just hurry up with your door opening duty.
KELLY: Oh. Okay. But wait- I thought I already did that
ST: No, um- I was waiting for everyone else to-
OSCAR: Basically, you pussed out.
OSCAR: What? WHy are you? (he turns to look at Aaron just in time for-)
(AARON hits OSCAR in the head with a pillow)
ST: Thank you. Much appreciated.
OSCAR: MMf! Stop that.
AARON: Glad to help.
ST: ANYWAY- go ahead Kelly.
KELLY: Oh. Okay.
KELLY: So what am I doing?
AARON: I'll go up there with her. I'll check out this building as best I can, taking (he looks at Kelly's character sheet) "Cutesy Bear" with me.
OSCAR:I wonder where THEY"RE going.
RICK: Sexual intercourse?

(Everyone looks at him in surprise)
OSCAR:(he finally laughs) That was so retarded, it was awesome.
RICK: (bows)
OSCAR: Wow. So you can take a joke. I'm impressed.
Rick: Why thank you, I-
ST: Yes, we're all in awe of your ability to disrupt my story with lewd comments. Now, continuing on...


AHahahah. That one was kind of a one hit wonder. But I enjoyed it. Anyway-

Tenth Bleak Universe episode! WOOOO. Here's to at least ten more! (my ambitions are intimidating I know)

It's come to my attention that I should make things more "interactive". So here's your crazy interactive thingy for today- How should I attract an artist?

Pastel chalks?
Seductively dump paint outside my apartment? Haha.

Really though-I guess I'll wait until I feel like I get to a decent stage of character development/plot and am approaching funny-vana, so to speak. Then I'll fix up all the old chapters as best I can (they were all written spur of the moment after all), then maybe i'll go-a-fishing, if the material seems good enough to warrant that. Until then, and even if I never actually do that, it's good practice. PLus I think It's actually starting to feel more natural. If I find an artist, awesome. At that point, I'd probablly rewrite a lot of the old material.But, if not, well soldier on I guess.

If I do end up with an artist- I have this silly idea for what we could do that would make it far different than ALL the other fake rpg stories, visually as well as story-wise. Hehe. Anyhoo. 'Til next time, adieu.

::exits, chased by bear::
(just kidding. This is my all time favorite Shakespeare stage direction. It's in "A Winter's Tale"

(the next one should be much longer, hopefully finishing part III)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to attract an artist: resurrect the Mitch beard, use spray paint for deodorant, and blast emo music into the surrounding region at night. Maybe dress like Apollo too? I dunno.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Haha. This is an artist nick, not an emo band.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing.


2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer your previous questions, you're stories are amusing, probably could use a bit of tightening up before going to comic form.

I'm not living with Tim anymore, I moved out right around when he got married...

To attract an artist, walk around with a apple laptop a lot (stereotype alert!), and get some tattoos (ditto!)

No Mitch beard? Sad.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Heh that's actually exactly what i said in a previous comment. I have some cool ideas too. In this form i'm just experimenting.

Haha, but i mean, it's not like I'd be the first webcomic to not have a whole lot of polish in the beginning. But yeah if I like where this actually goes, i'll rewrite it like crazy before seeing if i can find someone dumb enough to team up with me.

Hey I shaved off that thing like sophmore year.

1:48 AM  

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