Tuesday, September 12, 2006


RICK: Screw you. HE gets to start as non-human.
ST: It's just to introduce you guys to the concept.
KYLE: (crackly on phone) Alright, I'm kinda low, I'm gonna wait before I try that again. See if the HCL maybe takes care of it for me.
KELLY: What's going ON? I don't get it.
AARON: Me neither.
ROGER: Have to agree there. I'll say "RICK, can you see what's going on?"
KELLY: Wait, aren't you supposed to talk your character to his character, or something?
OSCAR: He named his character Rick.
ST: Ok i'll roll it in a sec. I'll put you off speaker for now.
RICK: "Not sure, but I have an idea."
ROGER: Sounds dangerous.
RICK: Ok, I'm going to lean out the bars and look over in that direction. Do I observe any of those broken off bars nearby?
ST: Um, sure.
RICK: Within arm's reach? I'll stretch out my arm as far as I can.
ST: (rolls a die) Um.. no, not quite.
RICK: "I need some help here. anyone have climbing rope or a long pole or plank of wood on them?"
OSCAR: Where would we keep them? Up our asses? That lisping lunatic took all our gear, remember?
AARON: I think I see where you're going with this. I'll take off my shirt.
KELLY: Really? Are you hot?
AARON: (with fake libido) Well... I do have an appearance rating of 70 percent (holds up 7 fingers )
ROGER: Um, I think see where you're going with THAT. And it's disturbing me.
OSCAR: I'll say (they laugh and fist pound)
AARON: (to ST) I'll take off my shoe then tie the laces and the sleeve together so they're tight.
OSCAR: Please, no more naked.
ST: Okay...
AARON: "Hey Rick, use this to get that bar. Be careful though."
RICK: "Got it!" Ok, i'll put the shirt on the outside of the bars, and swing the shoe toward the bar on the floor.
ST: Oh i see. OK sure,(rolls a die) i'll let you snag it with a few tries.
RICK:Ok, i'll pull it closer until it's right outside of the cell. Then i'll untie the shoe, and wrap the shirt around my hand. Is there any acid left on the bars?
ST: Oh RIGHT. You're right, a whole bunch splattered. Yeah there's still some active.
RICK: Ok. I'll pick up the bar at the other end, without acid, and then i'll put the bar up to the one in front of me, and try scraping some of it off. I'll do the same thing to as many as I can.
ST: The acid is strong, you're broken bar is starting to dissolve.
RICK: Ok, did i get some on to our prison bars?
ST: Yeah, it's already eating through. The the acid is nearing the end of your fingertips on the bar too.
RICK: Ok, I'll drop it.
RICK: Ok, now i'll sit back and wait.
ST: Wow, nice. And see? you did it without any super powers.
RICK: YEah. THanks.
OSCAR: Yeah, he used that other guy's...
(Aaron hits him with a pillow again)
OSCAR: I'll say "dude, put your shirt back on.
AARON: "No thanks, it's full of acid. You can have it."
RICK: DO the bars melt through?
ST: Not yet, it's taking a few minutes.
AARON: Ok, we'll wait.
ST: K, like 5-10 minutes go by, and the bars in front of you have melted through enough for you to slip through.
AARON: Nice. I'll jaunt up to RIck. "That was a good trick there, mate. You're a handy chap to have around.
RICK: Why thank you sir. (they fist pound)
OSCAR: Ok, I'll head over into the next cell.
ST: Empty.
OSCAR: Damn. ANything in there?
ST: Lots of burnt holes in the ground and the bars are a complete melted mess. You do see a small slip of paper in one corner tha managed to survive though.
OSCAR: (raises an eyebrow) Really? All that acid? What is it anyway?
ST: You can't tell. And yes, it was protected by the magic of plot.
OSCAR: Hah. Ok, i'll pick it up.
ST: It's a business card. There's an address, but the name and phone number have burned away.
ROGER: I'll walk into that cell and look around. "So let me get this straight. Eating cockroaches gives you magic powers?"
OSCAR: "No, you just vomit acid."


Ok, I'll jump ahead next time to half way through the following session. Got a little carried away there with serious and plotty type things. I'll return to the silly next time. Juggling both is kidna tricky. Hehe.


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