Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bleak Universe

Part IV

ST: Hey everyone. How was your week?
(they enter one at a time, saying something each as they do so)
KELLY: It was WONDERFUL! And YOURS? (she's wearing a smile that looks like it's in danger of cracking her face)
ST: (taken aback) Oh... alright I guess...
KELLY: SO... Do I...
AARON: My week was pretty good.
RICK: As for me, it was ...(puts finger to mouth in deep contemplation) adequate.
OSCAR: Sucked.
ROGER:Hey, shut up Rick. YOu hung out with us. We kicked ASS.
OSCAR: Emphasis on the ass.
ROGER: You'd know all about that.
ST: Whoa. Too much information.

ST: Ok. Let's see. We left off with Rick and Oscar bravely hiding under a bush, I believe? And where were you again Roger?
ROGER: I wasn't here last week. I'll just be with them. Or like, I just show up now.
ST: Oh, ok.
ROGER: "Hey guys, what's going on?
OSCAR: "'Cutesy' and 'Jacob Arrow' went to make out in that Jewish guy's house." I'll point.
RICK: And then the ground began to gyrate in an earthquake.
ROGER: GYRATE?! I don't think that's the word you were goin for.
OSCAR: Haha. No, I think he's right.
ROGER: Ok. So why are we here in the first place?
OSCAR: Some guy in white robes and a mask kidnapped our brothers, sisters, etc and we found a note in the room of Vomits-for-no-reason that led to this address. Decoy.. i mean 'Cutesy'(he says this as if it causes him great pain) and Jake went to the door and crazy Jewish guy let them in, then the shaking, then you.
ROGER: If you guys are way back here, and didn't hear their conversation, how do you know he's Jewish?
OSCAR (shrugs): WE just do. Same way I know that she (points to Kelly) is anti-semitic.
ROGER: "Ok whatever. Screw this. You guys are pansies. Let's go find out what happened." Ok, I'll walk up to the door. Is it locked?
ST: (rolls a die) Nope. It opens when you turn it.
ROGER: Cool, I'll open it and walk in.
ST: Ok, are the rest of you following?
OSCAR: Hell no.
AARON: I'll say "Wait... um... you... over ther- (whispers whats your guy's name?)
ROGER:(puts his handsup, palms outward to increase drama) Ace!
OSCAR: Lame.
AARON: "Hey, Ace wait! It's dangerous!" Hold on man, you weren't here last time, you should know that.
ST: What should he know? YOu mean he should know what none of you do?
ROGER: Whatever. I'm opening the door.
ST: Ok. Hold that thought, we'll go back to the-
KELLY: I am NOT anti-summit!! I like summits just fine! Err, semits, er semites, or whatever HE (points to Oscar) said.
OSCAR: I said that like 10 minutes ago, what are you in like a time-warp?
KYLE: Yeah, those bastard summits, looking down their noses at upstanding mountain-climbing citizens. They will pay.
AARON: Holy crap! Where did you come from?
KYLE: You mean like, metaphysically?
AARON: No. No i don't think i do.
KYLE (wan smile) I've been here the whole time.
ROGER:(stands up) Ah RIGHT! Hey everyone, I figured it out, anti-semitic has to be bad.
AARON: How do you know?
ROGER: It's on my sheet under "weaknesses"


Man i need like a counter or something. Can you even put those on these pages? Hmm.


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