Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bleak Universe
Part IV (end)

KELLY: (pouting) Ok FINE. I'll just ask him. "What's wrong? What can we do?"
KYLE: Can I talk?
ST: Barely.
KYLE: (straining) Had to prepare too much...too little fuel I.. neeed..sustenance...anything, else it me alive...
ST: (dice rolling) Ok- that's 3 more Medium damage poitns Kyle.
KYLE: Shit. "Gahh! hurry..please...)
OSCAR: It looks like he's gotta take a shit.

(ST glares at him)
(OSCAR sticks out his tongue and folds his arms.)

KELLY: "Sustenance? You mean food? We just fell down. We don't have food or-"
OSCAR: (whispering) She knows what "sustenance" means? That can't be right.
AARON: I think I remember this part. (to ST)I'll go look for an animals around here.
ST: (rolls dice) Yeah ok, you find a few rats.
AARON: Ok i'll kill them. "Sorry mates!" (he tips his giant pirate hat)
(Kelly stretches not paying attention)
KELLY: OOf. I'm tired. Wait... What?
ST: Kelly, you hear squealing sounds
KEELY: EEE! What are you doing over there?
AARON: "Nothing..." (whispering to ST- i'll walk over to Kyle's guy with the rat behind my back.
KELLY: (suspicious) Hey, what are you guys talking about?
AARON:"Nothing... HOLY CRAP LOOK OVER THERE!" (he stands up and points)

(KELLY looks alarmed and swings her had side to side wildly trying to find what AARON was pointing at)

(AARON mimes giving the rats to KYLE)

(ST laughs and nods)

(KYLE mouths "how many" and AARON holds up 3 fingers. Both look at ST, he nods. KYLE mimes eating the rats)
KYLE: So i'm all set now? (marking off something on his sheet)
ST: Er... right yeah if you do it, you'll be fine.

(KELLY looks back at AARON)
KELLY: WHat?! What is it?
AARON: Oh, my mistake... I thought it was a a train.
KELLY (furrowing an eyebrow) A TRAIN?
ST: Kelly, there's a rat tail sticking out of Kyle's character's mouth.
KELLY: What?! Gross! I'll run in and save the porr wittle rat!
(KYLE'S face suddenly changes dramatically. The pain vanishes and he doffs a cruel grin instead)
KYLE: I'll pull out my knife and aim to hit the ground right in front of where she'll be.
ST: (rolling) OK, yeah a knife smacks the ground point down, thudding into the dirt right infront of you, Kelly.
KYLE: I'll pull out another knife. "THe only reason I don't kill both of you right now, is because I still need you. I want to know why the Arrow is so interested in you. Otherwise (Kyle makes a significant motion across his neck) It would be far too easy, I can't believe you fools have even lived this long. Try not to die before I get what I need here. I'll be back, blind idiots." (Kyle practically snarls this last line, and both KELLY and ANDREW stare back in awe)
KYLE: (to ST) I'll start to head towards that palce I noticed before.
AARON: "Wait! What's going on, what are we blind about! We just saved your life! Why are you being such a dick?
KYLE: Someone you know made me this way, being slwoly eaten alive from the inside out. I need to know why,and how you're connected. YOu obviously don't know. But it may be i'll need you later.
AARON: What? Who? WHo made you that way.
KYLE: "Your brother"
(silence prevades in the room)
ST: Oscar? If you would?
OSCAR: Huh? Oh right i get it.
OSCAR: (singing)Dunnn dunnn DUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!


Otay. Well that's prolly enough plot for now, do you think? I'll try to curb my plot tendencies and do more weird silly stuff next time. I got a few funny ideas. Plus a new cahracter next time. I'l jump to anew part and talk about the rest that happens in this scene in flashback.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, just caught up. Still amusing.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Heh cools. Thanks for reading. You are teh roxorz.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay new characters! Good. Things are still going strong Mitch. I would ease off on Kelly a little bit though, we know she's dumb already. I still like the Rick humor the best. I also like the Storyteller the way he currently is, which is pretty much competent. Otherwise the reader would have no hope for the group, hehe.

1:04 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

I was actually thinking that the other day. I've been trying to ease back al ittle, I don't have her doing anything really dumb in this one, it's just people are still messing with her, and things just kind of happened so she missed something.

I have a new character in the form of Kyle, but I haven't had him do much yet. I was hoping to make him a bit of a stabalizing force, and i think he will be in the future. Right now he's only in the story intermittently though. PLus i make him get really intense which is part of his funny. If you notice, the story teller does some odd things every once in a while too. But yes, generally he's the straight man. I am thinking about adding one more "stable" person, in addition to the next character coming in, who will be named "Mick". Heh.

More rick eh? Heh ok. I have a few silly ideas

8:31 PM  

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