Thursday, July 19, 2007

Notes from

A story description:

"A Sidhe knight, who has turned from hero to villain without any clue how that happened, and a Kinain sorcerer apprentice, who is a wanted man and knows all too well how that happened, gets sent on a mission that is too all appearances suicidal...". (copied ver batim)

I find this endlessly amusing. It's all in the wording. I imagine the fairy knight, in bright armour with blues, oranges, and purples bespeckling it everywhere. He's riding his horse cheerfully down the road, birds chirping cheerfully, and there's one of those suns with the mirrored shades and a tiny thumbs up hand.

Then *POP* he's in town, lightening and dark swirling miasma everywhere, burning an orphanage and laughing his ass off. After all, he had no clue how this happened.

And then the kinain sorcerer is holed up in his evil hovel, with the police telling him to come out with his magic fire spewing hands up. How did he become a wanted man? Then he looks down at all the burnt corpses in his room. Oh right.

He knew all too well how that happened.


Heh. I probablly have little word lapses like that too. But oh well. It's still funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More The Funny! Not enough people have an inane sense of humor nowadays.

3:13 PM  

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