Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ah right, it's wednesday again, I forgot.

I just watched a commercial that had an old lady in a laundramat misunderstand a sales pitch about "eating 5 dollars" by popping a 5 dollar bill in her mouth.

A close inspection of the commercial reveals the line "Dramatization, do not attempt" in small text below.

I find the very fact that they feel they need that line to be highly hilarious. Across the nation kids are choking on 5 dollar bills, dreaming of lawsuits.

They should do that in movies. Like when Palpatine electrocutes everyone with magic lightning (DRAMATIZATION: DO NOT ATTEMPT)

The real question is, why are you not trying to sue Lucasarts right now for trying to force lightning someone and falling out of a window, spraining your ankle?


Per request, here's the link to the commercial


Blogger Alex said...

haha yeah maybe its because they are too embarrassed about it to admit they tried it.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Hmm. You don't look like one of my three readers, identify yourself?

Hmm- Texas. NKX?

11:30 PM  

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